Monday, July 11, 2011

Making Some Changes

The curtains are hung, but me no likey...
I have already found a better fabric at
In this photo, one can see how the jenny lind crib is going to look in the space.  I will be painting it a deep turquoise instead of charcoal.  This photo gives an idea of how bright the room gets in the evening, so I will be covering most of the windows with the new fabric.  The small square window in the gable will stay uncovered as long as Baby Walter is able to get a good nap.  If it interferes with naptime, of course I will need to add a valance up there and sacrifice the sky view.  My glider is circa 1999, and it is so comfortable and just like new.  I'm not doing a thing to that chair!  I love my Dutailer too much.  I will be adding a custom quilted cushion to the little accent chair in the back.  I could paint it, but I have decided to leave it and the antique dresser turned changing table as natural wooden pieces.  The crib bedding will not be aqua.  That is just the color of the mattress.  I should have my custom bedding by Wednesday.  I can't wait!

Curtain fabric:

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